As the Arnold Janssen Catholic Mission Foundation celebrated its 20th year anniversary last September 2022, the organization continues to strive to fulfill its mission in delivering quality education and lifelong learning through the Alternative Learning System together with the Department of Education, local government units and other NGOs, private organizations, and even ordinary citizens who volunteer.
Inspired by the Spirit of the Society of the Divine Word (SVD) Founder, St. Arnold Janssen, the non-profit organization is truly committed in ensuring that various sectors of today’s society particularly those who are marginalized are given a new hope through the ALS program and the personal and professional development it brings to each and every learner.
ALS learners are given an opportunity to learn and acquire new skills in the program, which allow them to open up to new and bigger opportunities that can potentially improve their life. The foundation focuses to help deliver and in ensuring that everybody and every “Juan” in the Philippines are given access to quality education and lifelong learning by ALS.
In line with this, the AJCMFI is launching a new battlecry that will help reinforce and renew their missionary calling of literacy and poverty alleviation in our country.
“ALS FOR JUAN! JUAN FOR ALS!” is what will be shouting from hereon, which is based on the belief that receiving quality education should be the birthright of every Filipino…or “every Juan”.
“AJCMFI helps make education with the reach of all…”, says Fr. Jerome A. Marquez, SVD, JCL, and this concept reminds us that in order to make this happen we will be needing the help of as many partners as possible…more local governments and NGOs, private organizations, ordinary citizens, and even the learners themselves.

And so, on October 23, 2022, the Arnold Janssen Catholic Mission Foundation is doing a benefit dinner, “A Plate to Educate” to introduce more people to their purpose, to inspire them, and to allow them to join AJCMFI in its mission.
Together, let’s help make a better future. Get a plate donation for our upcoming benefit dinner event today. Please call +63908 825 0496 to pledge your plate today.
The Arnold Janssen Catholic Mission Foundation Inc. is a non-profit organization that focuses on the literacy alleviation of the out of school youth, the elderly and the indigenous communities. It dreams to expand its missionary calling through the alleviation of poverty among the least fortunate in terms of equipping technical knowledge and entrepreneurial skills for future micro business ventures.
Articles: When Every Plate Counts